Friday, July 18, 2008

A week of surprises

So, this week has been an interesting one. I had two occurrences, while dissimilar and completely disconnected, that equally disconcerting. They are a traffic ticket and flowers.

I got the traffic ticket Monday. I was traveling East through the intersection of Broadripple Avenue and College Avenue and I looked up at the light. I couldn’t see what color the light was, because the lenses were foggy and the sun was setting behind me. Also adding to the situation was that traffic in front of me was continuing through the intersection, the other direction was still stopped, and in general the intersection was very busy. I knew something was amiss when this guy turned left right in front of me, and gave me a really dirty look. My suspicions were confirmed when two patrol cops, who were doing no turn on red stops, motioned me over for blowing the red light. Needless to say, the guy wasn’t swayed by my explanation of difficulty in seeing the light.

The second thing that got me out of sorts was that my mom sent me flowers for my birthday. Now, I appreciate the thought, and it is a nice arrangement of flowers; but I maintain that flowers are for women and bees. (I do not think that the bees would care for the big mylar balloon that said ‘Happy Birthday’) All of my female friends, and my gay friends, thought it was sweet; but they agreed that it was most likely lost on me. My straight guy friends mocked me, which is to be expected.

Anywho, go Boilers and go Browns. I can almost smell football season.



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