Monday, March 10, 2008

An Unsatisfying Endeavor

I saw No Country for Old Men this weekend, and I had one of those moments; you know, the one where you are not quite sure whether or not you are watching pure genius, or just a bad movie. Javier Bardem's acting was genius, easily, and the story line was gritty (the way a western should be), and the story wasn't ruined with a Hollywood ending; but still, the story seemed incomplete. I know that the incompleteness was intentional, and that life does have a lot of ambiguity; however, I think this movie could have used a more definitive ending. Anyway, definitely a thumbs up.

A movie that does not leave question to its greatness: Super Troopers. Funniest movie of all time.

Office Rodney Farva: I don't want a large Farva, I want a goddamn litre o' cola.


Complaining Fan: Move that gigantic cotton candy!
Local Officer Rando: God dammit!
[hits man with cotton candy]
Local Officer Rando: How's the view from sugar heaven, bitch?

Hahahahaha, that still cracks my shit up.

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